Zsh 搭配 Oh-My-Zsh 虽然功能强大,但是我不需要那么多复杂的功能,所以选择Zimfw ,相比于 Oh-My-Zsh,它加载和执行速度更快,减少了等待时间。
查看系统当前使用的 shell
echo $SHELL
安装 zsh
apt install zsh -y
cat /etc/shells
设置 zsh 设为默认 shell
chsh -s /bin/zsh
安装 zim
GItHub地址 :https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw
curl -fsSL https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zimfw/install/master/install.zsh | zsh
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zimfw/install/master/install.zsh | zsh
vim ~/.zimrc
# Start configuration added by Zim install {{{
# This is not sourced during shell startup, and it's only used to configure the
# zimfw plugin manager.
# Start configuration added by Zim install {{{
# -------
# Modules
# -------
# Sets sane Zsh built-in environment options.
zmodule environment
# Provides handy git aliases and functions.
zmodule git
# Applies correct bindkeys for input events.
zmodule input
# Sets a custom terminal title.
zmodule termtitle
# Utility aliases and functions. Adds colour to ls, grep and less.
zmodule utility
zmodule romkatv/powerlevel10k
# Exposes to prompts how long the last command took to execute, used by asciiship.
zmodule duration-info
# Exposes git repository status information to prompts, used by asciiship.
zmodule git-info
# A heavily reduced, ASCII-only version of the Spaceship and Starship prompts.
# Additional completion definitions for Zsh.
zmodule zsh-users/zsh-completions
# Enables and configures smart and extensive tab completion.
# completion must be sourced after zsh-users/zsh-completions
zmodule completion
# Fish-like autosuggestions for Zsh.
zmodule zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
# Fish-like syntax highlighting for Zsh.
# zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting must be sourced after completion
zmodule zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
# Fish-like history search (up arrow) for Zsh.
# zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search must be sourced after zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
zmodule zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search
# }}} End configuration added by Zim install
zmodule DarrinTisdale/zsh-aliases-exa # 添加多个 alias, 使用 exa 代替 ls,要求有安装 exa
# Custom 个人推荐的插件
#zmodule directory
#zmodule Aloxaf/fzf-tab # 将 zsh shell 补全的结果 pipe 入 fzf 中显示和选择
# 个人其他工具的选择
zmodule wookayin/fzf-fasd
zmodule zsh-users/zaw
zmodule completion
zmodule git-info
zmodule prompt-pwd
zmodule magicmace
zmodule zdharma-continuum/fast-syntax-highlighting
zmodule supercrabtree/k
zmodule hlissner/zsh-autopair
zmodule pabloariasal/zfm
zmodule agkozak/zsh-z
#zmodule Aloxaf/fzf-tab
# 安装
zimfw install
# 配置主题
p10k configure
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